Mstar Online Harakah Daily

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Oral vitamin K versus placebo to correct excessive anticoagulation in patients receiving warfarin: a randomized trial. (Ann Intern Med. 2009; 150(5):293-300 (ISSN: 1539-3704)BACKGROUND: Low-dose oral vitamin K decreases the international normalized ratio (INR) in overanticoagulated patients who receive warfarin therapy. Its effects on bleeding events are uncertain.OBJECTIVE: To see whether low-dose oral vitamin K reduces bleeding events over 90 days in patients with warfarin-associated coagulopathy.DESIGN: Multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

Randomization was computer-generated, and participants were allocated to trial groups by using sequentially numbered study drug containers.

Mstar Online Harakah Daily

Bidang pertanian adalah salah satu jalan untuk mendekatkan diri seseorang hamba itu dengan Allah swt. Bagi mereka yang menceburi bidang ini, disamping mendapat pendapatan yang halal lagi mulia, Allah swt juga menjanjikan ganjaran pahala kepada golongan yang mengusahakannya di atas setiap satu tanaman yang ditanam.

His Excellency Salman Bin L AhmadHigh Commissioner for MalaysiaMalaysian High Commission7 Perth AveYarralumla ACT 2600Dear High Commissioner,We write to you with regards to the trial of Anwar Ibrahim which is currently taking place in Kuala Lumpur.We members of the Australian parliament believe Malaysia is an important country, an emerging power in our region, and a friend of Australia. However the trial of Anwar Ibrahim raises serious concerns for us.While Australia and many other countries no longer have laws against sodomy we respect the right of Malaysia to determine what should be its laws relating to personal morality.Of more serious concern however is the fact that this trial is taking place at all, particularly given the testimony of Munawar A. Anees in the Wall Street Journal (see attached). We understand that the US State Department has urged Malaysian authorities to resolve this matter in a manner that builds confidence in the impartial rule of law in Malaysia, and we agree with this sentiment. Many friendly observers of Malaysia find it difficult to believe that a leading opposition voice could be charged with sodomy a second time, and so soon after his party made major gains in national elections. It should be made known to the Malaysian Government, that in our opinion, global esteem for Malaysia will be affected by these charges against Mr Anwar.

Several of the cameo costumes: Asbel!Milla, Zelos!Richard, Milla!Rose are the first ones that come to mind The alternate outfits for the entire Xillia/Xillia 2 cast (Alvin's white suit, Gaius's blue jacket, etc.). Link