
Hammerfight Rating: 5,9/10 2564 votes

Humble Indie Bundle 3 now live. Gamers can name their price for five independent titles, including And Yet It Moves, Hammerfight, VVVVVV; proceeds go to Child's Play, Electronic Freedom Foundation.

Hammerfight is about 2D battles of flying machines equipped with various slashing, piercing and blunt weaponry.A unique combat system is based on realistic physics simulation, and it ties the movements of the rider to the movements of your mouse, as you wave the mouse, your rider swings his warhammer, smashing the foe into the wall! This creates an unequaled feel of the real strike, a feel of the mass of the weapon in your hands.Simulated physics and direct mouse control creates a huge variety of possible battle techniques and an unlimited field for perfecting one's fighting skill. This game has a lot of good things going for it.

For example, you can create dragons with wolf paws. However, the main strength of the game is that you can evolve your creatures to make them stronger, improving many of their attributes, such as the life bar, attack strength or speed.Neither are these developments automatic, it is the player who chooses what 'direction' the evolution of the creature's limbs and body will take. Fort conquer gameplay 1. Fort Conquer is a strategy and defence game, in which the player must protect their fort against attacks from all kind of legendary creatures, such as dragons, reptiles, giants and many more.To do so you will have the help of numerous other creatures.

The music has an interesting thematical region to it, and I never get tired of whacking creatures around with the various weapons. I think the battle system was well thought out. If you're careful, you can actually shred opponents' firearm attachments, which makes combat much easier.I still really hate those little buzz saw fliers. Especially in large numbers.Sometimes the missions can really tick a player off the Nth time through, just because something gets a lucky sucker punch in, or because some nit wit of an 'ally' decides to come and 'help' you with a handy hammer to the head. Then again, sometimes that's just the physics engine declaring its allegience to the other side.+3 votes. Songs by starship. Highest Rated (4 agree)Difficult, but tactically satisfying physics based smasher.

Hammerfall has you flying a wooden box, chained to a variety of weaponry of various weights. The key here is the physics. Momentum, inertia and mechanics are all properly represented which makes the game amazingly difficult, since your craft is so light. The sounds and 2D visuals are perfectly appropriate for the eastern feel of the game, and the connection of the various weaponry with metal or squishy enemies is oh-so satisfying. One earlyAug 8 2011 by NoodleUK.