Papa Sangre II

Papa Sangre II Rating: 7,0/10 8713 votes

publisher: Somethin’s Else

Game mode: single player

Fight for your life and prevent your end in Papa Sangre II for the iPhone. In Papa Sangre II, you have reached the end of your life and is dead.You must trace back the memories you have in order to get back to the land of the living. This mobile survival horror game features an audio only gameplay, 18 levels, cinema quality 3D design, features the voice of Sean Bean and more.

Papa Sangre II is an iOS released representative of a rare genre of audio horror movies outside the mobile market. The production was developed by Somethin's Else studio, the same band that was behind the first part. This is a premium title, which means that we pay for it once and then there are no more, even optional micropayments.

The story begins unusually, because of the death of the protagonist we lead. In Pope Sangre II, however, this event is not the end of the adventure. On the contrary, the soul of the character ends up in a place immersed in complete darkness, which is the vestibule of the hereafter. A mysterious stranger's voice quickly reaches him, informing him that it is still possible to return to the living world. However, this requires breaking through the memories of the deceased.

The game is almost completely devoid of graphics, and all information about the world around the character is transmitted in the form of sounds and narration, and the control uses a few simple buttons on the screen to activate the motion function or interact with objects, and the accelerometer is responsible for rotation. This unusual solution works well in action thanks to a sophisticated three-dimensional sound system. Thanks to it, with headphones in our ears, we can easily locate environmental elements, characters or monsters with our hearing.

The game is mainly about navigating through dark locations, where one false step can end tragically. However, the game is also made more attractive by occasional logic puzzles and battle scenes.

The whole is maintained in a climate of horror and the lack of graphics makes you have to rely on your own imagination. When you play at night, with your eyes closed and headphones in your ears, it gives an incredible effect, perfectly building the atmosphere of horror. An additional attraction is the fact that the voice of the guide through the mysterious land was given by an experienced actor Sean Bean.

Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.

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age requirements: 12+

Greetings Papa Sangre devotees,As you have been some of our biggest champions, we wanted to let you know first about our forthcoming sequel, Papa Sangre II. Itʼs been a hell of a journey getting Papa II ready for release, but we are nearly there and itʼs sounding immense. There are lots of exciting changes and new landscapes to navigate through, so fans of the first game will have a ridiculous amount of new challenges to face and those who have never played a Somethin' Else audio game before, can get lost in Papaʼs creepy new location, the Museum of Memories. And we are really excited to announce that weʼve managed to secure the Game of Thrones and Lord of The Rings star Sean Bean as the main voice that guides you through the game and back into the world of the living. If you know Sean Bean, youʼll guess Papa II isnʼt Mexican but very very British in the most disturbing way possible. Papa Sangre II = Powered By Your Fear. Love and menace, Team Papa Forum:.User Options. or to post comments. Even though I can hardly claim to be an expert at the original Papa Sangre game, as I get killed far too often during that, I am definitely looking forward to Papa Sangre II, and to finding out what new challenges we will have to face with that. I will also be happy to pay for this new game.

Many thanks to the developers for their work to produce both Papa Sangre games and The Night-Jar, and may Papa Sangre II prove just as popular as the original game!. Tecmo bowl throwback ps3. or to post commentsSubmitted by creed on 8 August, 2013. I don't think i explained my self quite as good as i should have in my previous post. I am not one of those people that thinks blind equals i have to get something for free. On the contrary, i would pay for this app however, there are down sides to it which i personally think overshadow its $5 price tag. Simply its lack of change.

Once you play threw it once there is nothing new. Secondly, in my opinion its not that hard. While i have not played this game first hand, i heard countless recordings and play threws of papa sangre and the night jar. Easy peasy for me. Like i said before, i'd play it once, find that i was right and it was really easy, and never play it again because it never changes. Then i would have wasted $5 to play this game once. I completely understand all the work that has gone into making these games.

From getting the famous people to voice over the game, to the coding issues we all know about. But if me the end user isn't going to be entertained by this game, i'm not going to waist my money. Now if it was free or $.99 i might be able to justify myself to buy it but until then. Sorry, not for me. or to post commentsSubmitted by Toonhead on 8 August, 2013. Aha I see what you mean there and I can see why you'd say that.

Hopefully, Papa 2 will have some elements in it that let you play multiple times and pick up on new things. I will admit that while the Nightjar is an absolutely supurb game, the story line is kind of short. That's not a bad thing, it just means that it kind of keeps you from playing multiple times unless you like doing that sort of thing.

I say lets wait until Papa 2 is actually on our iDevices before we pass any sort of judgement here.I mean, we never know what might be in store. or to post commentsSubmitted by Allen Sale on 8 August, 2013. This price point is the equivalent of a short ebook which under-minds the entire development process. For a game which for the user that may take an hour or so to play, it is over a hundred hours of time put in; and I'm guessing here. Code is written. Sound effects are either hand-picked or created. Voice-overs are recorded (which means multiple takes of the same line over and over).

Of that $0.99, the developer would get a slim margin of that for each purchase. Now, let us add to the equation the following:1. Only a certain percentage of the population are blind.2. Normal people will look at the app price and either think, 'This is a bargain.' Or more likely, 'The quality of this app is not worth the purchase.' As a developer, you have to hook a gamer in who hasn't played before while still making sure that you bring your fans back from the previous installment; not an easy task.3. To have mazes randomized means more coding - longer time before app is in the market - means more voice-overs - means more cost; further making such a low price tag unsustainable for the longevity of the game's lifespan.4.

The game's length is short for a reason. While people are using their phones a lot, they are multi-tasking which means focusing on one app over another for a certain length of time would make the experience less enjoyable to the average user. And this is a key point, average users pick up a game, play for a few minutes, and move on; coming back as needed. One of the reasons King of Dragon pass works so well.5. What could be done is to have actual difficulty levels which makes for a tougher AI the harder you go. Whether or not this is in the cards remains to be seen so like someone said earlier, we have to let things play out.

The mere fact we are being brought into the fold before the game is out is enough reason to be hopeful for what is to come.What I'd personally like is a branching off point added to the original title as long as it made storyline sense)). However, my guess here is that this new game is a different scenario entirely which would make my suggestion pointless.At any rate, I'm eager to play in the expanded world upon the game's release since I myself am working on an app that would use the audio engine. Bring on the fear!. or to post commentsSubmitted by Jesse Anderson on 15 August, 2013. I've played both Papa Sangre and The Nightjar and loved both.

Papa Sangre was definitely harder, but I loved the variety of soundscapes tried in The Nightjar. Yeah, the game was easier, but I didn't have a problem with this.Even if Papa 2 is released at around $5, it will likely totally be worth it. I have enough vision to play lots of mainstream games on consoles, PC's, and portable devices. There are loads of mainstream games that don't have a lot of replay value, but present the player with a certain experience or good story. These games typically cost anywhere between $10 and $60.

Sighted gamers pay this amount for games all the time.If the game works, is polished, and is fun to play, Papa Sangre 2 will definitely be worth a few dollars. Good voice acting is worth investing in too.

Just go back and listen to early PlayStation games, Resident Evil anyone?. or to post commentsSubmitted by Clare Page on 15 August, 2013. I can understand the point raised earlier in this thread, that those who find games such as Papa Sangre easy won't get so much replay value out of these games as those of us, like me, who find them difficult, but I abgree that the cost of creating games with such rich audio and such good voice acting justifies the price.

I admit that I have never yet completed the original Papa Sangre game, but I still enjoy it enough to also want to get Papa Sangre II, and I'll be happy to pay the equivalent of $5 in euros to get the new game when it's released. or to post commentsSubmitted by Joseph Westhouse on 15 August, 2013. Please note the title of this post.let that serve as a disclaimer:-)First, to the Papa Team, please ignore all the heretics out there who complain of the Nightjar's brevity. That game was nothing short of a work of art, in terms of writing, atmosphere, and overall craft. Huevos sorpresa. Don't ignore the heretics. The Nightjar 2 should be every bit as beautiful, but definitely longer.

Just ignore the heretics who say it wasn't good, ha.Now, I just want to say, personally, that it bothers me when people complain of a game being 'too easy' or 'not worth the money' if they haven't played it. It's one thing to say that the game doesn't appeal to you.but to flat out say that the game isn't worth the money in your can you make that judgment call if you haven't played it? Games like Papa Sangre aren't necessarily about variation and endless replayability (although I admit I go back through the games when I'm in the mood).

To me, the games are about the experience - the sensation of being completely immersed in a game world, the tension of actually trying to navigate the puzzles without getting gored and eaten. You can't really get that experience from listening to reviews, so from my perspective, it's hard to really make a fair judgment of a game whose greatest beauty is in the experience of playing it, if that's an experience you haven't had.Okay, sorry. I really don't mean to offend anyone.I just wanted to give the games the defense I feel they deserve.

Definitely looking forward to Papa 2.:-). or to post commentsSubmitted by Clare Page on 16 August, 2013. Good on ya, Joseph, for defending these games! All the reviews in the world will never replace actually playing them, that's for sure! I personally don't find either The Night-Jar or Papa Sangre very easy, especially the latter, but I still like both games, not just for the challenge, but also for the work which has been put into them, especially the outstanding audio production. So both games are well worth the money we have to pay for them. Thanks in advance to the developers for Papa Sangre II when it's ready!.


or to post commentsSubmitted by Joseph Westhouse on 16 August, 2013. That's kind of my point. The soundscapes (particularly in The Nightjar, in my opinion) are just phenomenal.

That, combined with the great work the team has done in creating a genuinely chilling atmosphere (once again, I think the Nightjar does a better job, by using some really clever writing with the computer and Benedict to really up the creepiness factor) makes for a gameplay experience that just can't be compared to simply listening to someone else play.That said, I want to be doubly clear that I was trying to be light-hearted in my last post. I don't actually think any of you are heretics, and I definitely share your disappointment that the Nightjar wasn't longer. Even if I think these games deserve defending, I don't want to come across as unfriendly to anyone who disagrees.:-).

or to post commentsSubmitted by Dom on 15 November, 2013. Papa Sangre II is really good!! I like it a whole lot better then the first one, the only thing I'm having an issue with on my iPhone 5 is that it lags quite a bit when walking.

Maybe someone can assist me as well, I can't get the clapping gesture down pat, no matter what I try. It says tap the hands on the top part right and left edges of the screen or something, I tap where I think the hands are, but it acts like it's not registering anything. Maybe I'm not doing it correctly?. or to post commentsSubmitted by Fredrik Andersson on 16 November, 2013.