Archeage Map

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Hey guys after my last video a lot of you asked about practical locations for placing your farms and houses, so here is what i consider to be the best and worst lands as well as a couple of things. Jan 24, 2017  Hello all, September here, checking in from the PTS. In this video I cover Treasure Maps. Where you get them, how you use them, what you need,.

FarmsThere are various farm sizes, including 8×8, 16×16, and 24×24. These come from a set of farming quests offered very early in the game by the Blue Salt Brotherhood (you’ll get the quest for the 8×8 farm first). Once placed, farms have a single step of construction requiring specific resources (like boards or a lumber pack). After you finish this step and complete the farm, you will have exclusive access to the land within its plot.

In addition, you will be able to upgrade your basic farms into more advanced farms like the Improved Scarecrow Farm or Pavilion Farm.AquafarmAquafarms are unique 16×16 plots that can only be placed underwater in specified areas, usually near the coastline. Aquafarms have a central air supply rather than a scarecrow, which allows you to stay underwater longer. This type of farm allows for the cultivation of corals, kelps, and shells that won’t grow on land. These dimensions refer to the footprint of land around the house, which is protected and can be used to grow plants and livestock just like a farm. The house sitting in that footprint may have more or less interior space, even within the same size category!To buy a house, head to Mirage Isle, where you can take a tour through life-sized demos for each layout, see mini-models of the different color and material options available for each type of house, and see deed details like the amount and type of resources needed to actually build the house once placed.Certain types of houses can be upgraded in various ways.

For example, Thatched Farmhouses can be upgraded to support harvesting skills, while Medium and Large Luxury Houses can be upgraded to support processing and production skills. Claiming LandThroughout Erenor, you’ll find large areas of land where houses and farms can be placed. Building Your Dream HomeFarms have a very simple construction phase: a few boards for the small one, a single pack of lumber for the large. Houses get more complex, with different materials required in a specific order and multiple construction stages.Building materials are measured in “packs,” which is a backpack of 100 refined materials (lumber from logs, stone bricks from raw stone, ingots from iron ore, etc.).

A player can carry a single backpack at any given time, and the act of carrying one restricts your movement speed and ability to teleport or glide. In the case of larger house build projects, you might want to bring some friends! Anyone can bring a pack to a home under construction and add to the progress if they so choose. Check the deed for a specific floorplan to see the materials it requires, and remember: While the deed to the house or farm is returned to you in the event that you demolish the structure or fail to pay taxes for two weeks, the materials used in construction are not.Remember that you can only have 2 unbuilt structures at a time.

This is to prevent players from claiming the majority of an area by using unbuilt residences as placeholder properties. If you want to claim multiple pieces of land, you need to use them!The Cost of OwnershipProperty taxes are due weekly and are paid in advance. The bill is received and paid through the in-game mail system, so you can pay your balance from almost anywhere!Taxes start out fairly small, but increase with larger house sizes and ownership of more than three properties. Medium and larger homes really are “luxury” housing; you’d best make sure you can afford the upkeep if you want to build one!Should you fail to pay your taxes for a week, you’ll owe a late payment penalty but your property will remain safe. If you fail to pay them for 2 weeks in a row, the house will go unprotected and eventually disappear, perhaps quite rapidly with a little “help” from someone looking to take over the location!Don’t worry if you’re anticipating needing to be away from Erenor for a bit!

As long as your building is in good standing, it’s possible to prepay up to 5 weeks’ worth of property taxes.If you’re looking to get rid of a property in a more profitable manner, ArcheAge offers a secure house sale system. You set the price and whether the sale is intended for a specific buyer (as in a pre-arranged sale) or offered to anyone passing by.Upgrading Your HomeJust building your house doesn’t have to be the end. By visiting the building management plaque, you are able to upgrade the structure and gain additional benefits.

Upgrades typically require additional construction materials, Building Management Titles, and designs that can be obtained by deconstructing other house designs.MovingIn the event that your property taxes are not paid during the required period, your house will be demolished by the game and another player will be able to claim the land it was built on. When demolished, the structure design, along with any bound materials, will be returned to you.If you demolish your house intentionally, any tax down payments you’ve paid will be returned through the mail.Should you wish to move your house, you can recover it using the “Full Kit” feature. By spending Building Management Titles, the house can be reclaimed in a pre-built form, meaning no materials will be required to build it the next time you place it.You can also sell your house to other players – either directly or to the general public for a fixed price – by using Building Management Titles. Furnishings & FeaturesA wide variety of furnishings can be used to decorate or customize your space. Some are placed outdoors, like planters or fences.

Other items, like chairs or bookshelves, can only be placed inside of a house. Furniture can be crafted and sold among players, or bought from the demo homes on Mirage Isle (and some decorative items are found as random drops in the world).

Farms and houses both have a limit on the number of decorative items they can hold based on the size of the property, though that number can be increased by using a Decor Limit Expansion. FeaturesDepending on its type and size, a house can hold two to five storage chests. Chests come in different sizes (number of storage slots) and can also be crafted or purchased. A fireplace is also extremely useful: when lit, it can be used as a cooking workstation or recorded in a player’s list of teleport locations for easy return trips.Homes can also hold Regal Workstations – special crafting stations required for higher-level recipes – and furnishings that provide a bonus to specific crafting skills when they’re placed in a house with a crafting station.AccessHouses and farms offer a few different access levels. They default to private, owner-only access, but through the house information menu you can adjust this to include members of your family, members of your guild, or the general public. This allows other players to plant, tend, and harvest crops, open doors and windows, and use your crafting stations or other general installations. Only the owner, however, can pick up furnishings at any access level.

There are 2 factions in the game that are at war with each other. These factions occupy the 2 lower islands which make up the game's Realm Vs Realm content. The Middle island is an isle devoted to PvP and its many forms. It is not owned by any faction but by players. The said isle is meant to house Guild wars and such, since the players have to fight each other for control of the territory.The map is further divided into regions and instances. There are in the game, several ocean areas, and two instanced miscellaneous areas. One of the miscellaneous areas is, where all manner of, boats, and may be bought.

Recalls the similarly straightforward but energetic tone of, but where that album was a showcase for their jam-friendly psychedelic influences, was cut as the brothers were going through a period of serious worship, and these songs were influenced by that band's arena-size Texas boogie and the thick buzz of ' guitar work. However, while is loose, it's not sloppy; this band had been keeping up a busy road schedule long enough that it could play with a comfortable precision, and there's an amiable enthusiasm and confidence in the way the trio tears into these tunes. Huevos. Is loose and spontaneous where was precise, and while the earlier album used keyboards and careful studio technique to give the music an accessible sheen, was a far closer replication of the sound the Meat Puppets created on-stage, leaving plenty of room to strut his stuff on guitar. However, the group quickly grew tired of trying to make the material work on-stage, so a few months later they rolled into a recording studio on a Thursday morning in August, walking out with a finished album the following Sunday. Is a bit short on the sunburnt eccentricities that were the hallmarks of and, but if you want to hear the Meat Puppets rock the nation, this is the album to reach for; 'Paradise' and 'Automatic Mojo' suggest what might have sounded like without the sequencers, 'Bad Love' and 'Look at the Rain' run fast but with high-stepping style, 'I Can't Be Counted On' is a joyous bad-boy's anthem, and 'Sexy Music' almost lives up to its silly name.

Archeage Map

The seamless map design makes it hard to distinguish when you enter a new region, although you will know when your map changes. This means that if you aren't paying attention, it's easy to get lost. At the same time, it's easy to find a nice and comfortable site to build your house as each region on the Eastern and Western continent has locations.Zones Level(West)(East)1-101-1510-1515-2020-2424-2727-3030-3333-36-35-38-38-41-40-44-43-45-46-48-48-49-49-50-Alliance Controlled Zones The first 7 starting zones on the Nuia and Haranya continents are Alliance Controlled Zones. In these zones, members of the controlling faction cannot attack each other for any reason. Additionally, enemy faction members cannot initiate combat against a member of the controlling faction while inside these 7 zones.If a member of the controlling faction chooses to attack a member of an enemy faction, the attacked character is immediately able to defend himself.Note: ONLY the attacked character can fight back.

Allies of the attacked character will not be able to engage in the fight unless they are also attacked. Healer allies can however continue to heal as usual.Hostile Zones Hostile Zones (level 30 onwards) are regions where any character can attack one another, regardless of their allegiance. Enemy factions can attack each other immediately and allied characters can attack each other by turning on Bloodlust Mode (Ctrl F). These zones cycle through multiple stages of conflict, some of which reward characters for killing each other and some which enforce peace for a limited time. These stages are described below.There are 7 different stages of conflict in a Hostile Zone. Each zone starts out at the lowest level called Tension, and rises as characters of opposing factions kill each other within the zone.This process eventually leads to War, wherein characters can earn Honor by killing members of enemy factions.

After a zone has been at War for one hour, it will enter a state of Peace for 2 hours, preventing any hostilities within the zone. Once the Peace time is up, the zone returns to the lowest level of conflict and the process repeats. The details of each stage are listed below:StageNameDescription1TensionNo Honor gained from killing enemy faction members. Escalates after 70 kills.2DangerNo Honor gained from killing enemy faction members. Escalates after 100 kills.3DisputeNo Honor gained from killing enemy faction members.

Escalates after 140 kills.4UnrestNo Honor gained from killing enemy faction members. Escalates after 190 kills.5CrisisNo Honor gained from killing enemy faction members.

Escalates after 250 kills.6ConflictMinimum Honor gained from killing enemy faction members. Escalates after 30 minutes.7WarMaximum Honor gained from killing enemy faction members. Lasts 1 hour, then changes to Peace.8PeaceNo character can attack any other character during this time. Lasts 2 hours, then resets to Tension (Stage 1).